My Choice LLC

Social Media Advertising Services

My Choice LLC marketers use the changing social media landscape to boost your sales. We know how social media platforms' algorithms work, so we can ensure that our advertising helps you reach your business goals. What sets us apart from other marketing firms is that we pay close attention to facts and figures. Our marketers look at how well you've done in the past and make a plan based on your strengths and weaknesses.

We aim for very specific targeting. According to a study by Marketing Experiments, your conversion rates can go up by up to 300 percent if you use the right targeting method. Paid social media advertising can help you do this. Paid social media advertising is one of the best ways to make money off the best social media platforms for a wide range of business niches and increase the number of customers you get, convert, and retain.


Lead Generation


Engagement Campaign


Whatsapp Campaign


Video Campaign


Call Campaign


Shopping Campaign

Attract the right customers that converts.

A Professional

Social Media Advertising Agency

Social media has grown in popularity and is used by 90% of the world's population. Adverting on social media is much easier and less expensive than traditional advertising. Every business owner wants to increase sales by connecting with more potential customers. If you want to maximize your return on investment and engage consumers, you need to go to where they are and deliver your brand's voice that helps them understand your brand.

Social media advertising is the best way to get people to know about your business and find new customers. It's more beneficial than traditional ways of marketing. Social media advertising is one of the most popular methods of increasing conversions. We can now run paid advertisements on social media. These paid ads are more effective because they allow marketers to show ads only to people who have expressed an interest in their product or service. Social media advertising has a higher return on investment because you can target your potential buyers through demographics. You can control all of the metrics by advertising on social media. You can easily close the ads that aren't performing well and scale the ones that are. 

Difference Between

Social Media Marketing and Social Media Advertising

Social media marketing involves:

  • Optimizing for things like raising brand awareness.
  • Expanding your network of relevant contacts.
  • Increasing your audience's participation.

Social media marketing is done for free. By marketing on social media, you can reach out to your fan base without spending any money. Social media advertising is paid advertising to maximize your return on investment (ROI) by optimizing your social media advertisements for maximum exposure. When you promote your business on social media, your brand will be seen by people actively seeking the services you provide.

Paid social media advertising and social media marketing are not exclusive. Do you wish to connect with your target audience? Utilize the advertising opportunities provided by social media platforms, and tailor your approach to the behavior of your potential clients to maximize your marketing budget.

Working Proccess

We Follow Some SEO Steps To Your Website

Social Media Creation

Profile Optimization

Daily Posting

Engagement & Advertsing

Result Measuring

What every

Business needs to know before hiring?

An effective social media strategy can do wonders for your company's reputation. While anyone can set up a Twitter account or a Facebook page, those aren't the most effective ways to grow your business. Creating social media accounts is simple, but few people know how to grow them and attract new followers. A good strategy is essential for the success of social media accounts. Before hiring a social media ad agency, we recommend you do proper research and inquire about the success of their past project.

We all know social media can be a little negative sometimes. Many people use social media to vent their frustrations when they are in distress. A professional social media agency builds strategies that work according to your customer's needs and finds ways to highlight your business's positive aspects. What distinguishes a good social media agency from a bad one is how thoroughly they quantify the results they achieve for its clients' businesses.

Many people who work in social media become preoccupied with superficial metrics such as the number of likes, followers, and comments and lose sight of the larger business objectives these channels should serve. It will make a significant difference if the agency can demonstrate a proven method for increasing revenue. One of the most challenging aspects of working with a social media agency is finding one with expertise in your specific niche. There is synergy, and the best results may be obtained when the social media staff is familiar with the specifics of your niche. The social media agency you hire must be as familiar with and invested in your company as you are. They should be concerned about your company's expansion, customers, and employees and the impact these factors have on your online visibility. Instead of outsourcing social media management, turn to a trustworthy business partner.